Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Up & Running

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Fixed Snowglobe!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow!
I hope this post works!
Oh, the weather outside is frightful!
But the fire is sooooooooo delightful!
And since we've no place to go...
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
New Stuff
Monday, September 21, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I got tickets!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Dorney or Bust...
Just wanted to give you some quick highlights of Dorney Park yesterday. First, its called Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom. It's located in Pennsylvania. I took us maybe an hour or two to get to. It was me, Dee, Brandon and Erik. As soon as I can get my hands on the photo we took, I'm gonna send it to you. I'm trying to get Dee to let me take it to work and scan it. She's kinda hesitant since I didn't give her Brandon's baby pic back when I took it to work to scan it. Hey, it was mine in the first place right! They stole it from me!
Anyway, we got there about a 1/2 an hour after the park opened and immediately when you come in they take your picture. The first thing we did was have a caricature done of Erik. I'm gonna show you that as well. Now, on to my story, first let me say here that Brandon has motion sickness and always had ever since he was little. So before we left he took dramamine and countered that with an energy drink because he worked 16 hours the day before this trip and had just gotten off work.
The first ride we went to was the water log. I didn't do any rides this time because every friggin' ride had a sign saying "Don't ride this if... and of course, my recent surgery and heart condition was a factor. Talk about something sucking! BUT, I did not let that really bum me out and I figured I would do the water park.

This ride looked soooooooo cool. It twists and turns and I mean literally twists you around while you hit turns. Every time they came around, all I saw was teeth lol! The really neat thing about this park is that when you come off these rides, you walk through this small building and it shows you the pictures it took on the ride! Ain't that cool?! I wish you see it. I bought the picture from the Talon and had it made into a key chain. One side is them upside down and the other right side up. Oh and I made my first penny with The Hydra on it.
Then we were off...
The next ride was THE TALON...
This ride looked like it was the shit to me! I wanted on this thing so bad I could taste it. I even screamed a time or two with the people on the ride as they came around and did the loop. I stood right under that looped and laughed as the scream carried on to the next curve and everyone screamed again. What an adrenaline rush! I made another penny of this as well.
To be continued....
Thursday, July 30, 2009
OH!!! Check out my drums! I love this stupid thing!
This is the furniture I wanted to show you. I know I've told you that I wanted an ottoman well... this is it. They have it at Ross where I saw the chairs. It costs about $150.00ish. What do you think? I would use this as an ottoman/coffee table for the livingroom. I'm interested in a wide ottoman; one that you can sit on, put your feet up or use with a tray to hold glasses and maybe a flower or something. The chair ...what do you think? How bout the combo of both together? What about a couch? Should I do a bright couch? What style do you think? I will probably go with something sleek, modern... Do you think the chair looks art deco?

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Oh Baby Imma Starrrrrrrrrrrr
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Check It Out
The fishie tank symbolizes the years that I have known my soulmate. Although it's been only two years it feels like I've known him all my life. I've never felt so close and so connected to a person as I do Paul. Feel free to click in the water and feed the fish.
Did you see the cool drum set at the bottom of the page?? It reminds me of years and years of listening to my brother painstakenly beat his heart at the drums. Man, talk about some screaming and hollaring in our house!! You know what though, I'm proud of him. He taught himself those damn drums even if it nearly killed us lol! Love ya Ralf!! (Wish I would have learned too!)
OK, I just tried the drums out, OMG!! This has to be the coolest thing created! You can play the drums to my music lol! Wow, this shyt is hot! (Try it Paul... too bad there isn't a karaoke gadget lmaooooo!)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I did it!!!!!!!
Can't wait to chat tonight!

Oh, one more thing (giggles insanely), today was National Nude Day, did you know that??

Oh and in case you got here late, I changed the layout back. It just wasn't what I wanted and I'm still figuring out how to tweak the customization of the page. When I get it 100% right I'll let you know.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Ok here's something a little better in your honor...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
My Boo did this!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009
Wall of Fame

In Your Honor...
How beautiful is that?...
Too bad you didn't have this to add to your trellis, it would have been very striking. Can't wait to see the trellis and post it here (maybe, if you don't mind).
Thursday, June 25, 2009
At A Loss for Words...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Emo Girl...

This is my latest Welcome tag for our group, this is cute too...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Look what my friends can do!